Securing your belongings when you’re away from home can protect you from theft and burglary and reduce your risk of being a victim of crime. The nationwide burglary rate in 2023 was 250.7 cases per 100,000 of the population, and FBI crime reports suggest that home burglaries have been on the rise in recent years.
So, how can you prevent unwanted and unlawful access to your home and stop people from stealing what is rightfully yours?
Use Self Storage
Self-storage can be a source of great peace of mind, especially when you’re away for extended periods. Opting for Mini Storage for valuables you don’t take with you can eliminate the worry of potential break-ins. Your items are safely secured off-premise, out of reach from any potential intruders.
You can also choose larger storage units for things like cars, expensive equipment you want to protect, and even clothing and shoes if you have an extensive and expensive collection. But valuable things like cash, jewelry, paperwork, etc, can benefit from being stored in secure storage until you come back home.
Video Camera and Smart Home SetUps
Modern video cameras that hook up to apps and give you real-time visuals of your home can be excellent for deterring would-be burglars and giving you peace of mind. You can alert relevant authorities should something untoward occur in your absence and provide evidence of the crime to help you get a resolution and justice.
Video doorbells are extremely popular for monitoring people coming and going. However, internal cameras set up and connected to a smart home setup allow you to monitor each room and external areas so that you are aware of any changes while you’re away.
Home Automation
Home automation can be a great way to prevent break-ins by giving the illusion that someone is home. Smart home features can help you turn lights on and off. Turn the TV or radio on, open and close curtains, and more. All of these small actions make it seem like someone is home, and for those wanting to break in in secrecy and not get caught, this can be an effective deterrent.
In a world where most people don’t know who they live next to, having good relationships with your neighbors can offer additional security options for your home. The reason is that if you’re on good terms with your neighbors, they will automatically watch out for your property when you’re not there and be aware of what is happening. If you don’t know them or keep to yourself, they won’t pay as much interest. But if they know and like you, they won’t want your home to be burglarized, meaning they will be more aware of comings and goings on your behalf.
Car In Driveway
If you’re away for long periods and you usually have a car in the driveway, the absence of the vehicle can indicate you are not there and make it more enticing for burglars to gain entry. Leaving your car on the drive can indicate someone is around, and in addition to security cameras and lighting, it can be the perfect deterrent for would-be criminals.