We all have a responsibility to help in the fight against climate change. Thankfully, in this day and age, we’re more aware than ever of the steps that are required to minimize our carbon footprints. Things like limiting the number of flights we take, reducing our meat intake, and being mindful of the environmental impact of the products we buy can all go a long way towards reducing our carbon footprint.
Working to make your home more environmentally friendly is a way to take your commitment to the planet to the next level. And happily, many of the steps you can take will also have the added benefit of improving your bank balance too, since many of the actions result in significantly reduced energy bills. Let’s take a look at some of the most effective methods.
Look At Solar Panels
Solar panels have been around for a long time, but most people didn’t consider them to be viable options in the past because they simply weren’t as effective as they could be. Well, now they are. Solar panels — and most importantly, solar panel batteries — have improved significantly in recent years. And while there’s an upfront cost, most solar panel systems repay themselves in around 5 – 10 years in energy savings, since they can slash your energy bills by a huge margin.
Choose Long-Lasting Materials
You’ll need to utilize the earth’s resources in order to have a functional, comfortable home. However, how much of the earth’s resources you use is within your control. Your impact on the planet will be much reduced if you use long-lasting materials that can be recycled. That might involve making the most of EPDM roofing installation for your roof or using natural stone or recycled steel for other parts of your house. These materials are highly durable, which means they’ll last a long time, and also recyclable, ensuring that your home’s eco-credentials are as strong as can be.
Grow Your Own Vegetables
Growing your own vegetables might seem like a relatively small thing you can do, but it has a big impact. For one thing, it’ll bring you closer to the planet, which can motivate you to undertake other earth-boosting steps. Plus, those home-grown vegetables simply taste better. It’s relatively easy to start your own vegetable patch, which essentially has zero impact on the planet. You’ll get bonus points if you use rainwater to water your garden.
You can maximize the impact of this step by telling your friends and family about it, and showing them how they can do it themselves. If everyone grew their own vegetables, then the earth would be in a much rosier position.
Stay On Top of Eco Developments
Finally, make a habit of staying on top of eco developments. There are always new products, strategies, and lifestyle adjustments that you can incorporate to further your home’s environmental credentials. By making your home’s impact on the planet a priority, you’ll ensure that you’re always ahead of the curve, which will result in greater savings for your wallet.