Seriously, there’s something about summer that makes people think, “Yeah, now is the perfect time to start a DIY project”. Maybe it’s the sunshine. Maybe it’s the extra daylight. Maybe it’s just the Pinterest boards filled with dreamy backyard makeovers. But it can’t be all that bad, right? After all, usually, this is the time where homeowners have a little extra time to do some repairs around the house and to just make their home look and feel good. But there’s a flaw in this plan.
Because once that project actually starts, once the paintbrush is in hand, the sawdust is flying, and the sweat is dripping, it becomes painfully obvious that summer might have been a terrible choice. For starters, the heat is relentless. The hardware store is packed. The perfect wood for that deck extension? Well, it’s probably going to be backordered until further notice.
So, this is exactly why spring is the superior season for DIY. Everything about it just works better. Just think about it, no melting into a puddle of regret, no fighting through crowds at the store, no realizing halfway through a project that it’s too hot to function.
Avoid the Feeling of Working Inside an Oven
Now sure, summer is great for vacations and pool days. But trying to build, paint, or renovate anything? Well, not so much. So, that “quick” DIY fence project suddenly turns into an endurance test when the sun is beating down. How about painting a shed in July? Well, that’s just asking for heat exhaustion. And how about trying to lay new flooring in a non-air-conditioned space? Well, honestly, that’s borderline cruel to even do to yourself.
But spring, on the other hand, provides the perfect conditions. How? Well, it’s cool enough to work without dripping sweat all over the materials, warm enough that everything dries properly. Just think about it, no sunburns, no heatstroke. Instead, just solid, comfortable productivity.
No More Fighting Over Materials
So an example was used earlier about materials being on backorder, and in the summer months, it’s completely true! Just think about it, have you ever walked into any home improvement store in June? Well, usually it’s a battlefield, right? Everyone had the same idea: this is the summer for renovations. That means shelves are wiped clean, lines are long, and those perfect tiles picked out weeks ago? Well, gone.
But spring avoids the chaos. Usually, supplies are stocked, staff isn’t stretched to their limit, and the best materials aren’t picked over. Besides, planning ahead also means getting quality fasteners and hardware before everyone else realizes they need them.
For example, E Fixings makes it easy to grab the right screws, anchors, and fixings early, so there’s no last-minute scramble for supplies halfway through a project. But it also helps that it’s online and you’re not having to actually go to the home improvement store (where usually staff doesn’t know much if anything about the product they’re selling).
You’ll Actually Enjoy the Summer
Just go ahead and picture this: it’s late July, and instead of sitting on a finished deck, soaking up the sun, the entire backyard is still a construction zone. The patio furniture is shoved to the side, tools are scattered everywhere, and the only thing standing is a half-built pergola and a deep sense of regret.
Now, how are you going to enjoy your summer outside if you’re glued to this renovation? Instead. starting in spring means finishing before the season of barbecues, pool days, and beach trips kicks in.